Dental Caries: Types, Causes, and Treatment


Dental caries is the name for the lesions present on your teeth that a bacteria has permanently harmed. Cavities – small holes in your teeth – are produced by the decay in these areas. As a result, the words cavities and dental caries are usually synonymous. If the infection spreads into the tooth’s root canal or to other areas, it may cause a variety of problems. This article outlines the types, causes, and remedies for dental caries—as stated by this family dentist in Whitby, Ontario.


The dentist can identify tooth decay most of the time by:

  • Inquiring about toothache and sensitivity
  • Examining the inside of the mouth and the teeth
  • Soft areas might be checked by probing the teeth with dental equipment
  • Dental X-rays might display cavities and decay

Causes of Dental Caries

The bacteria break down any food impediments we eat after we eat and create acid. This acid dissolves and softens the teeth, causing them to be washed away and develop gum disease. Dental caries can present themselves in one of two ways:

  • Occlusal caries: These are simple to detect, and typically present on the occlusal surface of the tooth.
  • Interproximal cavities: These develop in the spaces between the teeth and can be harder to detect at first.

Treatment for Cavities

The good news about cavities is that they can be treated easily. In many circumstances, early treatment is critical, which is even better for the best prognosis. Among the treatment options are:

  • Fillings: Small-to-moderate cavities are treated by dentists using fillings. The decay is removed from the tooth and is filled with composite resin, porcelain, amalgam, or other proceedings.
  • Crowns: A dental crown might be applied for more substantial decay that harms a significant quantity of the tooth. A crown is a cap that encases and shelters the remaining tooth.
  • Root canal: If the decay extends into the pulp of the tooth, the individual will require a root canal. The contaminated pulp is removed, and the tooth is filled.
  • Extraction: Sometimes the tooth is so degraded it cannot be saved, and extraction may be the only alternative. 

Nine out of ten adults have some degree of tooth decay, indicating the prevalence of the problem. The severity of tooth decay might vary, and there are several appropriate treatments available. A patient should get in touch with their dentist if they exhibit signs of tooth decay. Tooth decay can result in more serious diseases and even tooth loss if left addressed.