Reasons to Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer If You Suffered a Spinal Cord Injury in a London, Kentucky Accident


A spinal cord injury results in many undesirable consequences beyond paralysis. You may experience other symptoms like numbness and partial mobility loss. You can feel the devastating impacts of a spinal cord injury in the future. Whatever type of accident caused your injury, it could include weeks, months, or years of rehabilitation, pain, and job loss. It is especially devastating since it includes any type of trauma to your spine that damages or severs it.

Apart from the physical burdens of a spinal cord injury, you may deal with an emotional problem because of it. While in shock, you still deal with your injury and face an uncertain future. Because of these consequences, you don’t want to accept a settlement offer from an insurance company that is less than what you deserve. A spinal cord injury may have an unknown outcome. Indeed, it can get worse over time and put you in a dire financial situation. Thus, you need to have a London, Kentucky lawyer on your side, helping you secure fair and full compensation on your behalf. Keep reading to know why you need a lawyer in this situation:

Complex Nature

A spinal cord injury is a complex and severe injury. Picking a lawyer who specializes in your type of case is important. Your attorney can hold the party who caused your injury accountable as well as fight for the money you should get that you can use for addressing medical expenses, lost wages, ongoing treatment, and pain and suffering.

Your personal injury lawyer will also protect your family as they face difficulties that result from your injury. A lot of expenses can lead to financial burdens for your loved ones. These include home modifications, post-discharge physical therapy, adaptive vehicles or driving controls, and more. 


The experience of a personal injury lawyer is a reliable weapon you need as you stand up against an insurance provider. The insurance company is expected to fight back, so you need an aggressive approach. Your attorney can deal with the insurer for you because you may not be physically or emotionally able to do it yourself. 

Your attorney has extensive experience dealing with your type of case, injury, and circumstances. For instance, if you suffered a spinal cord injury due to a defective or faulty product, your attorney can hold the product’s manufacturer accountable. 

Claim Value

Especially if it’s your first time filing an injury claim, you probably don’t know how much compensation you should demand from the insurer. Your lawyer will calculate the value of your claim by analyzing your injuries, assessing your pain and suffering, considering the strategies of the insurer, and estimating your future medical needs.